This is the beta version of the RTF BibTeX package. As it stands it contains the modified master style file (rbtxbst.doc) and the created style files. Running standard BibTeX using one of those style files will create a .bbl file containing RTF code instead of LaTeX commands. The file (after removing spaces at the beginning of each line) can be directly inserted at the end of a Microsoft Word document (Insert-File) to serve as a bibliography list. All references in the list can be referred-to from the Word document by inserting a reference field (Insert-Reference) pointing to the bookmark named after the reference code (e.g. Knuth91). For the alpha styles include the bookmark text, for the numbered styles include the paragraph number. In order to run bibtex create a cite.aux file containing the following commands: % Add your citations here or use \citation{*} to cite all the % entries in the file. \citation{Knuth91} % One of: rabbrv ralpha rplain runsrt \bibstyle{runsrt} % A comma separated list of bibliography files \bibdata{myart} The software can be freely copied and used, subject to the terms apearing in the file rbtxbst.doc. Diomidis Spinellis November 1998, September 2004, November 2006