Software Security

Diomidis Spinellis
Department of Management Science and Technology
Athens University of Economics and Business
Athens, Greece

Principles for Software Security

Buffer Overflows

How does a Buffer Overflow Work?

The attacker can execute code by corrupting the stack This is the stack when gets is called:
| envp          |	Program's environment
| argv          |	Argument vector
| argc          |	Argument count
| _start        |	Return address of main
| buff[0]       |	First byte of buffer (e.g. 'n')
| buff[1]       |	Second byte of buffer (e.g. 'o')
| buff[...]     |	More buffer bytes
| buff[19]      |	Last byte of buffer
| main+12       |	Return address of gets
This is the corrupted stack after an attack:
| envp          |	Program's environment
| argv          |	Argument vector
| argc          |	Argument count
| _start        |	Return address of main
| buff[0]       |<-+	First byte of buffer (EVIL CODE)
+---------------+  |
| buff[1]       |  |	Second byte of buffer (EVIL CODE)
+---------------+  |
| buff[...]     |  |	More buffer bytes (more EVIL CODE)
+---------------+  |
| buff[19]      |  |	Last byte of buffer
+---------------+  |
| &buff[0]      |--^	Overwritten return address

Buffer Overflow Defences

Unix Access Control

$ id
uid=1000(dds) gid=1000(dds) groups=1000(dds), 0(wheel), 10000(cvs), 20000(lh), 20001(dynweb), 20002(rpipe), 20003(postg), 20004(issues), 20005(dewdrop), 20006(eaware), 20007(mexpress), 20008(ivm), 20009(weblog), 20010(rng), 20011(uca)
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root  wheel   206740 Mar 27 15:42 /usr/bin/make
-r-sr-xr-x   1 man   wheel    29752 Mar 27 15:39 /usr/bin/man
-r-sr-xr-x   2 root  wheel    28828 Mar 27 15:42 /usr/bin/passwd

drwxr-xr-x  23 root  wheel  1024 Jun 15 16:38 /usr/src
drwxrwxrwt   3 root  wheel   512 Jul  4 13:24 /usr/tmp
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel   512 Dec  2  2002 /usr/var
drwxr-xr-x  13 root  wheel   512 Jun 15 17:01 /usr/www

-rw-------  1 root  wheel  5291 Jul  2 12:47 /etc/master.passwd

Windows Access Control

Race Conditions

Problematic APIs

Randomness and Determinism

Applying Cryptography

Trust Management

Untrusted Input

Result Verification

Failing to check the success of the Unix system calls or the Windows API calls can result in a process running with elevated privileges.

Data and Privilege Leakage

Often consequence of discretionary access control.

Password Authentication

Database Security

Application Security

Copy protection measures: Tamperproofing: Keep in mind that the attacker has complete control of your application.
