Global Options

The operations CScout provides group together functions that globally affect its operation. The global options link leads you to the following page.

Global Options

File and Identifier Pages
Show only true identifier classes (brief view)
Show associated projects
Show a list of identical files
Source Listings
Show line numbers
Tab width
Allow the renaming of read-only identifiers
Allow the refactoring of function arguments of read-only functions
Check for renamed identifier clashes when saving refactored code
Case-insensitive file name regular expression match
Query Result Lists
Number of entries on a page
Show file lists with file name in context
Sort identifiers starting from their last character
Call and File Dependency Graphs
Graph links should lead to pages of:dot GIF HTML PDF plain text PNG SVG
Call graphs should contain:only edges function names file and function names path and function names
File graphs should contain:only edges file names path and file names
Maximum number of call levels in a call graph
Maximum dependency depth in a file graph
Include URLs in dot output
Graph options
Node options
Edge options
Saved Files
When saving modified files replace RE
... with the string
External editor invocation command

Main page — Web: Home Manual

The meaning of each option is described in the following sections.

File and Identifier Pages

Show Only True Identifier Classes

Setting the option ``show only true identifier classes (brief view)'' will remove from each identifier page all identifier properties marked as no, resulting in a less verbose page.

Identifier: argc

  • Ordinary identifier: Yes
  • Matches 8 occurence(s)
  • Appears in project(s):
    • cp
  • Substitute with:

Dependent Files (Writable)

/vol/src/bin/cp/ cp.cmarked source

Dependent Files (All)

/vol/src/bin/cp/ cp.cmarked source

Main page - Web: Home Manual

CScout 2.0 - 2004/07/31 12:37:12

Show Associated Projects

Normally, each identifier or file page lists the projects in which the corresponding identifier or file has appeared during processing. When the CScout workspace typically consists only of a single project, or consists of hundreds of projects, listing the project membership can be useless or result into too volumneous output. The corresponding option can be used to control this output.

Show Lists of Identical Files

CScout will detect during processing when a file is an exact duplicate of another file (typically the result of a copy operation during the building process). On the file information page it will then list the files that are duplicates of the one being listed. The corresponding option can be used to control this output.

Source Listings

Show Line Numbers

The "show line numbers in source listings" option allows you to specify whether the source file line numbers will be shown in source listings. Line numbers can be useful when you are editing or viewing the same file with an editor. A file with line numbers shown appears as follows:

   78 fa *makedfa(const char *s, int anchor)  /* returns dfa for reg expr s */
   79 {
   80         int i, use, nuse;
   81         fa *pfa;
   82         static int now = 1;
   84         if (setvec == 0) {      /* first time through any RE */
   85                 maxsetvec = MAXLIN;
   86                 setvec = (int *) malloc(maxsetvec * sizeof(int));
   87                 tmpset = (int *) malloc(maxsetvec * sizeof(int));
   88                 if (setvec == 0 || tmpset == 0)
   89                         overflo("out of space initializing makedfa");
   90         }
   92         if (compile_time)       /* a constant for sure */
   93                 return mkdfa(s, anchor);
   94         for (i = 0; i < nfatab; i++)    /* is it there already? */
   95                 if (fatab[i]->anchor == anchor
   96                   && strcmp((const char *) fatab[i]->restr, s) == 0) {
   97                         fatab[i]->use = now++;
   98                         return fatab[i];
   99                 }
  100         pfa = mkdfa(s, anchor);
  101         if (nfatab < NFA) {     /* room for another */
  102                 fatab[nfatab] = pfa;
  103                 fatab[nfatab]->use = now++;
  104                 nfatab++;
  105                 return pfa;
  106         }

Tab Width

The ``code listing tab width'' option allows you to specify the tab width to use when listing source files as hypertext (8 by default). The width should match the width normally used to display the file. It does not affect the way the modified file is written; tabs and spaces will get written exactly as found in the source code file.


Allow the renaming of read-only identifiers

Setting this option will present a rename identifier box, in an identifier's page, even if that identifier occurs in read-only files. When CScout exist saving refactoring changes, replacements in those files may fail due to file system permissions.

Allow the refactoring of function arguments of read-only functions

Setting this option will present a function argument refactoring template input box in an function's page, even if that identifier associated with the function occurs in read-only files.

Check for renamed identifier clashes when saving refactored code

Setting this option will reprocess the complete source code (re-execute the processing script) before saving code with renamed identifiers, in order to verify that no accidental clashes were introduced. Identifier clashes are reported on the command-line console as errors. The check is enabled by default. For very large projects and if you are sure no clashes were accidentally introduced you may disable the check in order to save the additional processing time.


Case-insensitive File Name Regular Expression Match

Some environments, such as Microsoft Windows, are matching filenames in a case insensitive manner. As a result the same filename may appear with different capitalization (e.g. Windows.h, WINDOWS.h, and windows.h). The use of the ``case-insensitive file name regular expression match'' option makes filename regular expression matches ignore letter case thereby matching the operating system's semantics.

Query Result Lists

Number of Entries on a Page

The number of entries on a page, specifies the number of records appearing on each separate page resulting from a file, identifier, or function query. Too large values of this option (say above 1000) may cause your web browser to behave sluggishly, and will also reduce the program's responsiveness when operating over low-bandwidth network links.

Show File Lists With File Name in Context

Setting the ``Show file lists with file name in context'' option will result in file lists showing the file name (the last component of the complete path) in the same position, as in the following example:

Read-only Files

/usr/include/ ctype.h
/usr/include/ err.h
/usr/include/ errno.h
/usr/include/ fcntl.h
/usr/include/ fts.h
/usr/include/ limits.h
/usr/include/ locale.h
/usr/include/machine/ ansi.h
/usr/include/machine/ endian.h
/usr/include/machine/ limits.h
/usr/include/machine/ param.h
/usr/include/machine/ signal.h
/usr/include/machine/ trap.h
/usr/include/machine/ types.h
/usr/include/machine/ ucontext.h
/usr/include/ runetype.h
/usr/include/ stdio.h
/usr/include/ stdlib.h
/usr/include/ string.h
/usr/include/sys/ _posix.h
/usr/include/sys/ cdefs.h
/usr/include/sys/ inttypes.h
/usr/include/sys/ param.h
/usr/include/sys/ signal.h
/usr/include/sys/ stat.h
/usr/include/sys/ syslimits.h
/usr/include/sys/ time.h
/usr/include/sys/ types.h
/usr/include/sys/ ucontext.h
/usr/include/sys/ unistd.h
/usr/include/ sysexits.h
/usr/include/ syslog.h
/usr/include/ time.h
/usr/include/ unistd.h

You can bookmark this page to save the respective query

Main page

This results in lists that are easier to read, but that can not be easilly copy-pasted into other tools for further processing.

Sort Identifiers Starting from their Last character

Some coding conventions use identifier suffixes for distinguishing the use of a given identifier. As an example, typedef identifiers often end in _t. The following list contains our example's typedefs ordered by the last character, making it easy to distinguish typedefs not ending in _t
[... 40 lines removed]

Call and File Dependency Graphs

Call Graph Links Should Lead to Pages of

Function and macro call graphs can appear in four different formats.

Call Graphs Should Contain

This option allows you to specify the level of detail you wish to see in the call graph nodes.

File Graphs Should Contain

This option allows you to specify the level of detail you wish to see in the file dependency graph nodes.

Maximum number of call levels in a graph

Call graphs can easily grow too large for viewing, printing, or even formatting as a graph. This option limits the number of functions that will be traversed from a specific function when computing a call graph or a list of calling or called functions.

Maximum dependency depth in a file graph

File dependency graphs can easily grow too large for viewing, printing, or even formatting as a graph. This option limits the number of edges that will be traversed from the root file when computing a file dependency graph.

Include URLs in dot output

By checking this option URLs to CScout's interface will be included in plain dot output. In typical cases, URLs outside the context of CScout's operation don't make sense, but there are specialized instances where you might want to post-process the output with a tool, and then display the graph in a way that will provide you links to CScout.

Graph options

A semicolon-separated list of options that will be passed to dot as graph attributes. Graph attributes accepted by dot include size, page, ration, margin, nodesep, ranksep, ordering, rankdir, pagedir, rank, rotate, center, nslimit, mclimit, layers, color, href, URL, and stylesheet.

Node options

A comma-separated list of options that will be passed to dot as node attributes. Node attributes accepted by dot include height, shape, fontsize, fontname, color, fillcolor, fontcolor, style, layer, regular, peripheries, sides, orientation, distortion, skew, href, URL, target, and tooltip. Note that node options are ignored, if the option to draw empty nodes is set.

Edge options

A comma-separated list of options that will be passed to dot as edge attributes. Edge attributes accepted by dot include minlen, weight, label, fontsize, fontname, fontcolor, style, color, dir, tailclip, headclip, href, URL, target, tooltop, arrowhead, arrowtail, arrowsize, headlabel, taillabel, headref, headURL, headtarget, headtooltip, tailref, tailURL, tailtarget, tailtooltip, labeldistance, decorate, samehead, sametail, constraint, and layer.

The graph, node, and edge options can be used to fine tune the graph's look. See the GraphViz documentation for more details. For instance, the following diagram
include diagram
was created using

Graph options bgcolor=lightblue
Node options color=yellow,fontname="Helvetica",fillcolor=yellow,style=filled
Edge options arrowtail=odiamond

Saved Files

When Saving Modified Files Replace

When saving files where an identifier has been modified it is often useful to use a different directory than the one where the original version of the source code resides. This allows you to To use this option, specify a regular expression that will match a path component of the original source code files (often just a fixed string), and a corresponding substitution string. As an example, if your project files are of the type /home/jack/src/foo/filename.c, you could specify that /foo/ should be changed into /../

Note than when this option is specified the existing and new locations of the file must reside on the same drive and partition (under Windows) or file system (under Unix).


The "External editor invocation command" allows the specification of the editor that wil be used for hand-editing files. This string can contain two %s placeholders. The first is substituted by a regular expression that is associated with the identifier for which the file is edited, while the second is substituted with the corresponding file name. The default string under Unix is
xterm -c "$VISUAL +/'%s' '%s'"
and under Windows
echo Ignoring search for "%s" & start notepad "%s"
Under Windows a more sensible default could be something like
start  C:\Progra~1\Vim\vim70\gvim.exe +/"%s" "%s"
which fires off the VIM editor in a new window.